Meet Lochlann James

Lochlann James Hamilton was born January 27th at 3:30PM weighing 9lb 7oz. His birth was relatively normal, although the week before hand was pretty full (that’s a story for another time). I’m sure what you all want to see are the pictures so here you go.

Good morning Lochlann

Good morning Lochlann

Like sister like brother

Like sister like brother

Surrender to sleep

Surrender to sleep





A moment of quiet reflection

A moment of quiet reflection

It's unanimous, time for sleep

It’s unanimous, time for sleep

I'm plotting, and you won't know until it happens

I’m plotting, and you won’t know until it happens



Lochlann and Emma watching TV with Daddy

Lochlann and Emma watching TV with Daddy

Sleeping with Mommy

Sleeping with Mommy

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